New Seminar, FLIBS Booth and Higher Charter Industry Profile Spell Growth for FYBA

This edition of the eCompass is being sent out on the eve of the FYBA Yacht Sales & Law seminar in order to keep on schedule of the first of each month! According to the registrations it looks like both this seminar and the Charter Seminar next week will be well attended again this year! The committees who put these seminars together have done a fantastic job with the programs and it does take months of planning! 

In fact, the FYBA’s annual seminars are so successful that we will be adding a new one in 2015 – the very first FYBA Yacht Engineering Seminar – which will take place on May 1st at Pier 66. Bob Zarchen, Paul Flannery, and their committee already are geared up with the organizing process and have acquired two main sponsors, Advanced Mechanical Enterprises and Cummins, Inc. It never hurts to continue your education in the area of the yachting industry that is your main focus, and the FYBA seminars always try to address the most current topics!

Boat show season is here, and I just returned from attending the Monaco Yacht Show representing the FYBA again this year. It is early to tell how the show fared for the yacht brokers but one thing is for sure, the show was packed and the brokers were busy! In fact, there were so many familiar faces from Florida it shows that the US is in better economic shape than the EU. 

The FYBA booth at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, Oct. 20-Nov. 3, will not be at its usual place on the Sport Fish docks at the north end of the show this year. Instead, it will be protected from the elements in the Superyacht Builders & Designers tent, #659-660! We encourage all members to use this space to send or receive faxes, use the computer, meet your clients, or just sit and relax with us!  

The FYBA Charter Professionals Committee has grown to become one of the largest committees in the association. It has been giving FYBA Charter members more recognition the last several years by supporting FYBA participation in charter shows, mainly Newport and Antigua, with sponsorships and an official presence. The committee already is ramping up plans for the Antigua Charter Show on Dec. 5-11. 

As you know, I recently sent an email to the membership announcing the resignation of Randi Myers who has gone on to another challenging position in the yachting industry. The FYBA wishes her well and appreciates the seven years she grew along with the evolution of the association.  

The dog days of summer are almost over and as most other parts of the country are going to be gearing up for winter, we will be gearing up for pleasant weather and boat shows!

See you on the docks,


Article Author: Ann Vernon